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EASA Light Aircraft Pilot License (A) Modular Course


What is the Light Aircraft Pilot License – LAPL(A)?​

  • The LAPL(A) - (Light Aircraft Pilot License) enables the holder to act as the pilot in command of a single-engine piston light aircraft or TMG with a maximum take-off mass of 2,000kg or less, carrying a maximum of 3 passengers. A LAPL(A) holder will fly non-commercial operations, without remuneration.

    To find out more about how to become a professional pilot, please 
    contact us.


Light Aircraft Pilot License – LAPL(A) training description:

  • The training is designed for applicants with 0 (zero) flight experience
    Light Aircraft Pilot License training is designed for applicants without any previous flight experience who want to obtain the LAPL(A).

  • The LAPL(A) course consists of both theoretical seminars and practical training
    Theoretical preparation and practical training are done concurrently – we offer the perfect combination of both without wasting your time.

  • The course is concluded by a theoretical examination and a practical examination.
    During the training you will also need to pass the ICAO English proficiency exam.

  • The Light Aircraft Pilot License training can be started anytime.
    You can start the LAPL(A) course anytime you are ready. All the lessons will be planned individually for you to suit your time requirements.

  • The Light Aircraft Pilot License can be obtained in a minimum period of 5-6 weeks.
    The duration of LAPL(A) training will depend on the each trainee’s time availability for both the theoretical seminars and the practical training.

  • Use of electronic study materials
    The study materials are provided via a dedicated Web Distance Learning application, which you can download on your iPad.


LAPL(A) Flight training with Flight Instructor and solo:

  • 30 hours is the HCAA minimum hour requirement but you should be aware that more training time may be required to achieve test standard. This is determined by your own abilities.

  • Minimum 30 hours flight training

    • Including Minimum 6 hours solo flight training of which,

      • 3 hours must be cross-country including,

      • One cross-country of at least 80 nautical miles and landing at one other airfield under supervision of the flight instructor on the ground

  • Total of 30 hours either for solo or dual, including minimum of 1 hour flight preparetion to be ready for the final License Skill Test with a CAA Flight Examiner


What are the Light Aircraft Pilot License course entry requirements?

The Light Aircraft Pilot License – LAPL(A) course entry requirements are as follows:

  1. to be at least 16 years old
    You need to be at least 16 years old (license can be issued at the age of 17 years).

  2. to be at least LAPL(A) Medical holder
    You need to be physically fit for recreational flying (capable of holding a LAPL(A) Medical Certificate).

  3. to be proficient in the English language
    During the LAPL(A) training, you will obtain ICAO English Language Proficiency minimum level 4.

  4. to have sufficient knowledge of Mathematics and Physics
    You must be able to make some basic mental calculation and have a minimum of knowledge in Mathematics and Physics, no degree or scholarship are needed but an evaluation will be done by the Breeze Aviation DTO.


What can I do with my Light Aircraft Pilot License – LAPL(A)?

  • Fly non-commercial flights with max 3 passengers.
    When you successfully complete your LAPL(A) training, you will get your
    Light Aircraft Pilot License and with it a so-called SEP (Single Engine Piston) land or TMG qualification less than 2.000kg.

  • Perform flights on single engine piston aeroplanes or TMG which are operated from land aerodromes.
    After completing the LAPL(A) training, it is also possible to get the Night Rating to article about night rating to be able to perform flights at night, under VFR (Visual Flight Rules).


How can I get my Light Aircraft Pilot License – LAPL(A)?


Step 1: complete the theoretical training

Theoretical preparation lays the foundation for practical flight training. According to the EASA syllabus, the theoretical preparation consists of 100 hours, out of which at least 90 hours self study and 10 hours seminar will be with an instructor in a classroom.
The ground training is divided into two modules – preparation for the LAPL(A) exams which are the same as the PPL(A) exams and theoretical preparation for flight training.
The course consists of interactive lessons with maximum usage of modern study materials and equipment. You will be able to use our Web Distance Learning app, educational software and high-quality video materials.


Preparation for theoretical knowledge exam covers the following subjects-seminars:

  • Air Law

  • Aircraft General Knowledge

  • Flight Performance and Planning

  • Human Performance and Limitations

  • Meteorology

  • Navigation

  • Operational Procedures

  • Principles of Flight

  • Communications


Theoretical preparation for flight training covers:

  • Manoeuvres

  • Weight (Mass) and Balance

  • Flight Planning and Monitoring

  • Communication

  • Aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, measures and procedures to prevent collisions.


Step 2: pass the theoretical examination

At the end of the course, you will have to demonstrate a sufficient level of theoretical knowledge, which will be tested on a set of 9 written tests from the theoretical subjects. To pass the LAPL(A)/PPL(A) theoretical examination you need to achieve a score of at least 75% from each subject (Meteorology, Navigation, Communications, Aircraft General Knowledge, Principles of Flight, Air Law, Flight Performance and Planning, Human Performance and Limitations, Operational Procedures).
The LAPL(A)/PPL(A) theoretical examination is conducted at the premises of Civil Aviation Authority of the Hellenic Republic.


Step 3: complete the practical training

Flight training is performed on a single engine piston (SEP) aircraft or TMG according to visual flight rules (VFR). At the end of the flight training, you will have at least 30 hours total time.

Out of which:

  • 15 flight hours dual with an instructor:
    Dual hours are divided into 3 stages and cover basic airplane handling, take-offs and landings, advanced maneuvers, emergency procedures, instrument flying and navigation flying. During the flights with a flight instructor you will gain all of the necessary skills to safely operate an aircraft throughout all stages of a flight and act as a Pilot-In-Command.

  • 6 hours of solo flights:
    Solo hours include local solo flights and solo navigation cross-country flights under supervision of the flight instructor on the ground (one of them being a flight of 80 NM with full stop at one different airports other than the departure airport).

  • 9 hours difference may comprise of either solo or dual time as training evaluation of the candidate


Step 4: pass the practical flight examination

Once you pass the theoretical exams at the CAA and complete your practical training, you will need to prove your practical skills. The License Skill Test (practical exam) is performed under the supervision of a CAA-authorized examiner.

You will need to demonstrate your ability to:

  • operate the airplane within its limitations,

  • complete all manoeuvres accurately and smoothly,

  • exercise good judgment and airmanship,

  • apply aeronautical knowledge,

  • maintain control of the aircraft.


How much does Light Aircraft Pilot License – LAPL(A) course cost?

The policy of Breeze Aviation regarding Flight Training payments is based on the pay as you fly idea*. The student is required to have a positive balance at all times during training. Regarding theoretical training, all payments are made in advance and treated as deposits for the respective course.

Training fees are covering following items and services:

  • All training e-manuals

  • Access to the e-Learning Management System

  • Instructor time for ground school seminars and practical training

  • Planes, including fuel

*All training fees are bound to the Breeze Aviation base where the training is provided. In the above training fees are not included: f

  • Student kit

  • EASA Medical Certificate examination fee

  • English Language Proficiency fee

  • Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) Theoretical Knowledge Examination Fees

  • 1,5 hour flight skill test on Single Engine Aircraft (SEP) or TMG

  • License Skill Test Examiners fee

  • HCAA fees for License Issue


How long does it take to complete Light Aircraft Pilot License – LAPL(A) – training?

The duration of LAPL(A) training depends on the trainee’s time availability for both theoretical and practical training and the minimum duration is 5-6 weeks of intensive training.

Do not hesitate to come and visit Breeze Aviation in Greece (Hellas) and even try to fly an aircraft on your own during introduction flight!

For more information how to enroll in a LAPL(A) training please contact us.


Breeze Aviation SCE
We operate in all Civil Aviation Airports & Stripes 
(AIP GREECE) on request.


Breeze Aviation SCE
Eparchiaki Odos Megaron-Pachis,
TK19100, Pachi, Greece

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